Thank you for dropping by. I hope you like my blog!
Feel free to open my page source since it's not really private. I just want my readers to be happy and free. I don't want to forbid anyone who visits this blog. If you want to know how I do this and that, you can ask me to make a tutorial for you Have a nice day!
Leave message/feedback/question/request. English only. No harsh words/spams/business stuff. I follow back. Just ask me^^ Link exchange permission here. I'm accepting tutorial request too
Dear lovelies~
I hope yall are still around but I guess some of you might have left this blog because of the infrequency of updates these past few months. I am really sorry for leaving this blog so long since my last update on December. I was having my super busy school weeks starting January since I was in my 3rd year of senior high school and would be having a lot of exams and daily try outs until the very last ones; national exams.
I ain't gonna talk about how those hectic weeks really tortured me, and how my friends treated me that I just wanted to end my schooldays very soon. What I have to focus on now is that I am going to prepare for the university tests which I will take to enter my desired university in Seoul, yay! I myself have changed quite a lot as an individual person and become more independent than before. I used to depend a lot on my parents even when doing little things. I know I have to become more mature and more ingenious as a support for living in another country without my family around. My father has been helping so much in developing the better things in me and he is now teaching me to drive, hehe.
Beside making better changes in myself, I also prepared many things that I am going to bring to study and live in Korea, and other stuffs which I am going to have as the supporters of the learning process in the university. This is the part I really love because I will have the chance to 'renew' all the things I have or don't have since the beginning! I finally have my own powerbank, haha, so that I don't have to borrow my father's or my brother's again which will give them burden. New stationeries, jewelries, planners, and many more! I also borrowed some Korean books from Korean Culture Centre library in Jakarta. I planned on translating some contents in the book while learning the language as well. I have also continued memorizing some vocabularies randomly from a flashcard set I bought in Periplus few years ago. I wrote on my daily task that I got to memorize 5 cards a day but I only have like 40 cards learned after a month lol..
Although there are a lot of things I have done for the preparation, I still have to take TOEFL and TOPIK tests. And I'm a bit nervous lol. I did some researches about TOPIK test on Google and did a practice for TOPIK level 1. Bam! I could only answer few questions right, and that's not good ofc hahah lol. Well I know I'm still very basic but I've been learning Korean since in 3rd year junior high -_- yeah not that intensive and guided since I learned it by myself and nobody helped me that time hahaha poor me.
Talking about studying in Korea, I remembered having one or two accounts of Naver and Daum. Unfortunately I can't access my Naver account because it's been so long not logged in and I had to type the name I used when registering but I couldn't remember. I've tried inputing any possible names that I might have used for registering. That just didn't work at all. I had no idea.. what name did I use then -_- I really regret abandoning the account cuz that's for my personal use and the ID is the same ID I've been using for other social accounts, so that's just a big loss to me. Gladly I can still access the Daum one and I still like Naver's blog better.
Lastly, I made a new Naver account and this time my ID is shorter. It's still hard to accept the fact that my previous ID is officialy gone :( until I input the right name of course. As a recovery, I forced myself to get excited with the new blog managing. I then made a new blog and decorated it with simple touches knowing that Naver blog doesn't give wide access to customize every section detailedly. I guess I wouldn't have to take much time to design the blog but this time I gotta make my blog valuable from what's written in it, not again how it's beautifully designed like this blog, haha. This blog is quite pretty but the content is trashy and not valuable -_- hahaha
I think I'm done for today's post. I have no remaining ideas about what to write again in this post~ if there's any new update, I promise I will update my blog pretty soon! I have so much free time now since I'm already on holiday, counting to graduation day and more free days coming up! Yay I'm happy lol :3
Dear lovelies~
I hope yall are still around but I guess some of you might have left this blog because of the infrequency of updates these past few months. I am really sorry for leaving this blog so long since my last update on December. I was having my super busy school weeks starting January since I was in my 3rd year of senior high school and would be having a lot of exams and daily try outs until the very last ones; national exams.
I ain't gonna talk about how those hectic weeks really tortured me, and how my friends treated me that I just wanted to end my schooldays very soon. What I have to focus on now is that I am going to prepare for the university tests which I will take to enter my desired university in Seoul, yay! I myself have changed quite a lot as an individual person and become more independent than before. I used to depend a lot on my parents even when doing little things. I know I have to become more mature and more ingenious as a support for living in another country without my family around. My father has been helping so much in developing the better things in me and he is now teaching me to drive, hehe.
Beside making better changes in myself, I also prepared many things that I am going to bring to study and live in Korea, and other stuffs which I am going to have as the supporters of the learning process in the university. This is the part I really love because I will have the chance to 'renew' all the things I have or don't have since the beginning! I finally have my own powerbank, haha, so that I don't have to borrow my father's or my brother's again which will give them burden. New stationeries, jewelries, planners, and many more! I also borrowed some Korean books from Korean Culture Centre library in Jakarta. I planned on translating some contents in the book while learning the language as well. I have also continued memorizing some vocabularies randomly from a flashcard set I bought in Periplus few years ago. I wrote on my daily task that I got to memorize 5 cards a day but I only have like 40 cards learned after a month lol..
Although there are a lot of things I have done for the preparation, I still have to take TOEFL and TOPIK tests. And I'm a bit nervous lol. I did some researches about TOPIK test on Google and did a practice for TOPIK level 1. Bam! I could only answer few questions right, and that's not good ofc hahah lol. Well I know I'm still very basic but I've been learning Korean since in 3rd year junior high -_- yeah not that intensive and guided since I learned it by myself and nobody helped me that time hahaha poor me.
Talking about studying in Korea, I remembered having one or two accounts of Naver and Daum. Unfortunately I can't access my Naver account because it's been so long not logged in and I had to type the name I used when registering but I couldn't remember. I've tried inputing any possible names that I might have used for registering. That just didn't work at all. I had no idea.. what name did I use then -_- I really regret abandoning the account cuz that's for my personal use and the ID is the same ID I've been using for other social accounts, so that's just a big loss to me. Gladly I can still access the Daum one and I still like Naver's blog better.
Lastly, I made a new Naver account and this time my ID is shorter. It's still hard to accept the fact that my previous ID is officialy gone :( until I input the right name of course. As a recovery, I forced myself to get excited with the new blog managing. I then made a new blog and decorated it with simple touches knowing that Naver blog doesn't give wide access to customize every section detailedly. I guess I wouldn't have to take much time to design the blog but this time I gotta make my blog valuable from what's written in it, not again how it's beautifully designed like this blog, haha. This blog is quite pretty but the content is trashy and not valuable -_- hahaha
I think I'm done for today's post. I have no remaining ideas about what to write again in this post~ if there's any new update, I promise I will update my blog pretty soon! I have so much free time now since I'm already on holiday, counting to graduation day and more free days coming up! Yay I'm happy lol :3
All icons belong to MYOOSICAL. Icons were made and edited by me, most pictures are from WeHeartIt. Personal use only. Do not trade or distribute my graphics to other sites. Do not steal or remove watermarks. Drag the GIF to a new tab to save. Icons request is possible
REQUEST Choose the design you want (coming soon) Reference photos and sizes are unlimited. Mention your icon theme (e.g Lucky Star, Infinite, couples, etc) Tell me if you want me to put my watermark or not. I'd be thankful if you're willing to credit me. Minimum order(?) is 1 icons pack. 1 pack = 10 icons *don't worry this is not paid, I just refuse to make only 1 icon -_-*
FOR GIFS Choose your style :
1 pack only includes 1 GIF.
These are not really frequently asked questions cuz noone has asked me
BUT, just in case if someone is wondering....
When I start blogging : I started blogging in 2009 and created this blog in 2010.
Who inspires me : Well, I don't really have people who inspire me to blog. I just like to have my own cyber space where I can be totally different from myself in real life. Even so, I now have few amazing favorite bloggers whose posts always inspire me.
How I design my blog : I usually use blogskin layout but I NEVER make it look the same. I mean, I don't want my design to look exactly the same like the others who also use the blogskin. Hence, I always customize the codes by myself and add more enhancements like Javascripts, etc.
Why I speak English badly : Hahaha! Since I'm Indonesian, English is not my mother language. But yeah, at least I try to use English as my second language on the internet cuz it's an international language.
Why I like pink : Oh no, wait, I don't like the color pink, but I think pink is the best color to describe kawaiiness, and I like kawaii things! >.< Well, I hope you get the idea.
More question? Ask me here :
Name: Maria Yesy Date of birth: Tangerang, December 16 1996 Loves: drawing, dancing, hiphop, shoes, beauty, kawaii stuffs Hates: rats and flying insects Food & beverages: chocolates-&-lychee-&-seaweed-&-greentea-flavoured ANYTHING Hobbies: drawing, dancing, designing, taking pictures, sleeping Fandoms: YGStan, JWalkerz Social: Instagram,Facebook,Twitter
The idea of creating this blog popped up in my mind when my best friend created her first blog in 2010. This blog is not actually my first blog. I had one before for posting news about Kpop but then I got lazy to continue it since I had to keep updating the site daily. I started to think that I didn't really fit in news blog, so I created a blog about my life instead. I don't exactly remember when I started this blog. 2 years ago, I think.
This blog mainly posts about random stuffs. It can be anything like my life events, tutorials, reviews, hauls, freebies, or simply a bunch of pictures. I haven't posted any hauls, though but I intend to post it soon. Idk when lol. Just hope I don't procrastinate more.
My lovely visitors, if you're interested in my blog and you want to stay connected with me, let's do link/button exchange! I'm very open to everyone who wants to get promoted in this section by giving me their links/buttons. Just leave your message in my Cbox if you want to do the exchange. I'd surely put yours on my blog and make sure you do the same as well.